Make tag Link in HTML

When you around in website page, you must be found the text when you click wil go to another web page.Its Call "link" So how to create a link like that? Its so easy to make link with another web page in HTML.

First, you just write the code like this..

<a href="">Link 1</a>

see the red text! that is you can change with other website page url. When you clik the text.. you will be go to web page which you write in
"<a href>" tag.

This is the full HTML code

<title>Learn HTML</title>

<a href="">My First Link</a>


click the image for the zoom view


Make Paragrah with tag HTML

When you write in microsoft word or open office, is not easy to make paragraph. Even it is one, two or many paragraph. Just click and enter. you can make nice paragraph. But who if I want tou make it in web programming?? especially use HTML programming? this is the answers

Okay, first step.. you only must now hatml tag "<P>". Because, its just easy to code. You must only write the text and add html tag <P> in the end rows. See this example :

Hello friend..this is my first paragrahp.. its easy to do.. and fun <p>
This is my second paragraph. I think you very fun in this site right <p> Horaayy.., I can make paragraph with HTML <p>

add in your html code like this ..

<title>Lear Paragraph</title>
Hello friend..this is my first paragrahp.. its easy to do.. and fun <p>
This is my second paragraph. I think you very fun in this site right <p> Horaayy.., I can make paragraph with HTML <p>

save with extention .html snd open with your browser.. it would be like this!


keep learn..:-)


Make Heading or Header with HTML

Now, I let you know about how to make Heading or Header in HTML Programming. Okay lets see

<title>Learn HTML</title>
<h1>My Heading</h1>
<h2>My Heading</h2>
<h3>My Heading</h3>
<h4>My Heading</h4>
<h5>My Heading</h5>

type on your notepad or text editor and save with extention .html. Open with your browser

the view would be like this :


Beginners Tutorial


What Is HTML (Introductions)

Hello friend, I will let you know about the example HTML code. HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the one only from the web programing. HTML usual will use from the layout or views.HTML created by Banner Lee Tim.

Okay, let I give you the example. first open your text editor or notepad and type this code :

<title>Learn HTML<title>
Hello! I can code HTML

this is your notepad:

save with extention .html exmpl: "gun.html"
and open with your browser. it would be like this

Congratulations... You have been e new HTML Programmer.. keep learns!

